Plans de l'Hover Ride 4.
Hovercraft "Hover Ride 4" twin engine 4 seats.
All in FRENCH welcome to translate.
Télécharger les plans de l'Hover Ride 4 (4.5 Mo)
The plans of HOVER RIDE 4 are diffused here with the authorization of their author. By respect for its work, we thank you for making any regular commercial practice of it.
We could not be held responsible for the misuse or the failure of a hovercraft built starting from these plans! * Be careful! In particular, NEVER put on the way the engine without the protective grille which must be fixed firmly in front of the propeller. IT THERE A DANGER OF DEATH. Keep in mind as well as in the event of rupture, the blades of the propeller leave forwards. They must imperatively be stopped by the protective grille. * Do not invent anything! A machine with air cushion is not simple to conceive and develop. While following these plans scrupulously, you will obtain a functional machine, and your efforts will be rewarded. Free with you then to proceed to modifications or attempts at improvement…
* Need for a council or a blow of hand? Consult the Construction forum or the Technique forum Construction ou le forum Technique of the site and put your questions there. You will find there surely somebody to help you!
Creation date : 31/03/2015 @ 18:54
Last update : 06/02/2023 @ 22:51
Category : 20?>HOME MADE !
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